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Anusha KasaragaddaAnusha Kasaragadda 

Unable to catch exception in ampscript

I have to raise an error with custom message when i got exception in my ampscript code.I used SSJS try catch but I am unable to raise an error .When I did preview in exact target it's showing exact target exception message not my custom message like 

There is an error in your email. Please contact your customer service representative. Error 1: Script SET Statement Invalid<br>An error occurred when attempting to resolve a script expression. See inner exception for detail. Script Expression: [Product_Test] MemberID: 510003494 JobID: 0 An unrecognized expression appears in a script block. Script Expression: [Product_Test] MemberID: 510003494 JobID: 0 <br>Invalid Content: <br>set @email = [Product_Test]

here is my code ,Prdouct_Test is not existed in my DE, it should execute catch block.

<script runat="server">

 set @error=""
 set @email = [Product_Test]

<script runat="server">
  }catch (e) {          
    Variable.SetValue("@error", "Error Occured");
if not empty(@error) then
%%[RaiseError(@error, true);]%%

Please suggest how to catch exception in ampscript. Thanks in advance.

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