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Saravana RavikumarSaravana Ravikumar 

Can change sets deploy custom settings data ?

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Ravi,
Thanks for the pointer, @Ravi. I misunderstood your question as just custom settings and not data of custom settings.

As mentioned in post, "Custom settings act like sObjects and therefore the fields Values you're talking about are just like any other record of any other Object, since on the change sets you're only deploying metadata, there's no records there, so the values of instances of Custom settings will not be populated by any deploy."

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
Saravana RavikumarSaravana Ravikumar
Arun Kumar 1141Arun Kumar 1141
Hello Ravikumar,

Yes, Change Sets can deploy Custom Settings data alongside the Custom Settings themselves. During the deployment process, the metadata definition and the associated data of the Custom Settings are transferred from the source org to the target org. Including Custom Settings in a Change Set allows you to maintain consistency in the configuration values across different environments. By deploying both the metadata and data of Custom Settings, you can ensure that the desired settings are replicated in the target org.

To include Custom Settings and their data in a Change Set, you must add the Custom Setting object to the Change Set and include the relevant records or data that you want to deploy. This ensures that the Custom Setting object is created or updated, along with its corresponding data, when the Change Set is deployed. It's important to note that the target org must have the necessary Custom Setting object and fields defined to successfully deploy the data. If the Custom Setting object is missing in the target org, you may need to create it manually before deploying the data.

Before finalizing the deployment, it's recommended to review and validate the changes in the Change Set to avoid any conflicts or inconsistencies with the Custom Settings data.

If this answer helps you, please mark it as best answer.