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Saad AldinSaad Aldin 

access network folder


I created a Formula field 
 HYPERLINK("file://"&Folder_Path__c,"View File")
it works with Salesforce classic but not with lightning 
anyone has experienced this issue?


PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Saad,

To view in lightning, kindly use the below formula format :- 
HYPERLINK("/" & "lightning/r/Opportunity/0065g0000027mdpAAA/view", "View File", '_self')

Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.


Saad AldinSaad Aldin
Thank you Priya ... where in the formula you mentioned should I put the network folder path?
lease note that I am trying to access a network folder … like C:\Opper123 

Thank you