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Mah NaazMah Naaz 

Flow failed to access the value


when debugging the flow, the error occurred during flow and sent codes 
Error ID: 1694603670-371493 (973420906)
Salesforce Error ID: 1694603670-371494 (404447892)
Please help me out.
I appreciated your help/support in this matter. 

Best Answer chosen by Mah Naaz
Mah NaazMah Naaz
It has been resolved. 

The issue was the reference variable where I had the default record owner name. 

I updated the Apex email action without the variable, and it is working now. 

Note - 
If the flow variable (text) has a default value set, it will throw an error and field references. 


All Answers

Cash DavidsonCash Davidson
Have the same problem on
Mah NaazMah Naaz
It has been resolved. 

The issue was the reference variable where I had the default record owner name. 

I updated the Apex email action without the variable, and it is working now. 

Note - 
If the flow variable (text) has a default value set, it will throw an error and field references. 

This was selected as the best answer
tech clickytech clicky
I also have an problem on Spotify++ (