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Daniel BlanchardDaniel Blanchard 

How do I find out what object a field is on?

Hello! I'm trying to run a report on my clients and bucket them by their sales price. We have a field called "Sales Price" and there's another field called "Sales Price (converted)" which converts the sales price into USD from whatever it is. I can bucket things by Sales Price easily, but I cannot bucket them by Sales Price (converted) although I can add that field to a report.
My goal is to be able to bucket these records by Sales Price (converted) and to do that I think I need to find what object that field is on, but I'm going through each one manually in Object Manager and it'll take 20 years this way. 

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can find what object is associated with a certain field (or any way to be able to bucket this Sales Price (Converted) field)?
AbhinavAbhinav (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Daniel ,

Try this query
SELECT Id,TableEnumOrId FROM CustomField WHERE DeveloperName = 'FieldNameWithout__c'
If field is on standard object you will get object name under column TableEnumOrId and if its CustomObject you will get Id .Using that Id in url you can navigate to Object Page.

Make sure to check Use Tooling Api CheckBox in query editor.


Hope above answer helps ,Please mark it as best answer so that other facing similar issue can find it useful.
