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Hiral Patel 25Hiral Patel 25 

Create a component student with last name,firstname,phone as attributes and invoke the student componenet in the application

Create a component student with last name,firstname,phone as attributes and invoke the student componenet in the application
PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Hiral,

Please refer this trailhead link to create component :-


Priya Ranjan

Willie GouldWillie Gould
I had the same student task, but which included inserting data from different novels and books about their plots. I remember how I began inserting by tying myself the summary details of The Treasure of Lemon Brown, and fortunately, after it, I found how to do all this easier.
Ronald SpencerRonald Spencer
I had similar task, and it's good that I found this forum, because I managed to get help quickly.
Chris Glover 7Chris Glover 7
Yes, it's very true. I started using this forum not a long time ago, and it helps me to improve my skills, in addition to everything I learn at the university. And I'm happy to be a student in the 21st century because we have so many possibilities and access to thousands of resources and sites. This forum I use often, and also the most often I use where I can find different free essay examples which helps me a lot with writing. I think that each student on this forum will agree with me that sometimes writing tasks are harder than, for example, programming. And it's great to be able to use help.