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System Administrator 1101System Administrator 1101 

In flow, when field does not meet validation criteria and click Next, get spinning wheel of death!!!

This is a screen-based flow.
I have the user enter a number 2 times ( to reduce incorrect entries).
Both fields are validated with the following expression (except that the variable is different of course):
When a valid value is entered, the flow behaves as it should.
When an invalid value is entered ( too few or too many digits or the first two digits do not fall within the specified ranges), instead of getting the supplied error message, the screen collapses to a line and a "spinning wheel of death" occurs that doesn't go away, even after an hour.
Flow - spinning wheel of death!
When run in debug mode, nothing shows in the log after the previous screen, an assignment component that occurs between the screens and the standard "Transaction Committed - Any records that the flow was ready to create, update, or delete were committed to the database." message that shows up before each new screen. I have no data to troubleshoot further.
I have also tried using the Developer Console, but the only thing that shows is that the user info for the user that pressed Next.

I have tried regex variations of the validation criteria, but all versions show the same pattern(s) of behaviour.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
Is this a new implementation or are you seeing this issue after release?Thanks
System Administrator 1107System Administrator 1107
Hi Swetha...Thank you for your response!
I replied to the email notification yesterday, but it doesn't look like it posted here...?
Anyway, to answer your question, I know that it was working properly as of 5/27.
This new behaviour was reported as an issue on 6/17.

Here is a screenshot of the component and the validation rule:
screenshot of flow screen component validation rule