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Kiril Vodenicharov 7Kiril Vodenicharov 7 

How to Map old and new values before and after update triggers on cirtain criteria

I want to update before and after a record when it have certain status criteria which is met. Lets say WHEN Quote have met: Merchant Approved status to create new Order.

public inherited sharing class CPQ_QuoteTriggerHandler extends Common_TriggerHandler implements Common_TriggerInterface
      public void beforeUpdate(Map<Id, SObject> mapNewItems, Map<Id, SObject> mapOldItems) {
        // Call the trigger.


public static void merchantApproved(List<SBQQ__Quote__c> quoteList, Map<Id, SBQQ__Quote__c> oldMap)
        Set<Id> quoteIds = new Set<Id>();
        for(SBQQ__Quote__c q : quoteList)
        oldMap = new Map<Id, SBQQ__Quote__c>([SELECT Id, SBQQ__Status__c FROM SBQQ__Quote__c WHERE Id IN :quoteIds]);

        for(SBQQ__Quote__c q : quoteList)
            if(oldMap.get(q.Id).SBQQ__Status__c == q.SBQQ__Status__c && q.SBQQ__Status__c == 'Merchant Approved')
                Order order = new Order
                        AccountId = q.Id,
                        Name = q.Name
AbhinavAbhinav (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Kiril,

Didnot get your question . Is it you want to compare Old and new Values?