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updating child object field by searching a field value in parent object and using that searched result record value to update in child object field

We have a Custom object Client_Account__c and standard Contact object. They are related with lookup relationship where Contact is child and Client_Account__c is Parent. We have a clientId field present in both the objects.
Now if Contact Object (child) record have clientId populated but it is not linked to any Client_Account__c record i.e. Client_Account__c (on Contact) is null. Then we need to search this clientId in Client_Account__c (parent) and find a matching record. If found then we need to use this record's if and populate it back on Contact's (child) Client_Account__c field.
Based on my analysis

WFR : it wont work because we can not access Lookup relationship object here 
PB : Although we get lookup relationship object fields but the standard update records action can not work as this record is not yet related to any Parent record. And we do not have any option to search.

The option which I can thing of is to call Apex method from PB but haven't tried it yet.

Can someone suggest possible solution for this problem?
