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Gary ButlerGary Butler 

why doesn't quick assist work in Developer Console?

Why won't Developer Console not show any quick assist/hints?  I am not able to use VS Code at present gig, and am stuck with using Developer Console, but it is absolutely infuriating when i get no hints/assists as I am developing.  

This is pretty much across the board.  No hints for VFP, CMP, JS, APXC, NOTHING!!!!

Any assistance would be great!  I am beginner to SFDev, (but decades of development, including java).  I have deadlines and this is killing my productivety as i have to look EVERYTHING up rather than getting assist from Developer Console!

BTW, this has never worked in any of my orgs, on any machine, etc.  
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati

Currently Intelligent code completion ( auto completion) is working for Apex in Developer console. its not supported in Lighhtning components(aura bundles) development a

Its a know issue

Gary ButlerGary Butler
it isn't even working for Apex...  the first time I attempt, is will flash this message "No symbols found. Attempting to retrieve symbols from Salesforce.", but after that NOTHING!!!  

Please, does someone have a workaround or fix for this?