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Brian YarsawichBrian Yarsawich 

Lightning Inputs don't show up if parent component is removed and re-added

I've been running into a problem with a component that is ebing created dynamically twice on a parent componet.  It is a search component that I want to be shurnk down into a corner of the screen after the first search has been performed.  To do this, it is removed from the main page on submission and then recreated inside another containter component along with the results and filter components.  So basically

  • Router contains Search. 
  • Search fires, get results back
  • Router destroys old componet, creates results wrapper componet
  • Results Wrapper Componet creates display component, search component and filter component
  • Search component shows up with no lightning inputs, filter and display componets are fine

The problem is that all the lightning inputs inside the search component don't render after it is created.  If I inspect the html after it is created the second time, all I see is:

<lightning-input data-aura-rendered-by="115:183;a"></lightning-input>

If there anything about lightning:input that doesn't allow it to be redrawn isnide another component?