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Create multiple records in Flow Builder

I'm trying to create an auto-initiated flow that will create n number of records of a custom object from the processing of a single other object.  The use case is that upon receipt of purchase request items that multiple equipment instances are created.  This is so easily accomplished in a trigger but is really clunky in flow builder.  All I can think to do is assign the quantity variable to a qtyDesired and qtyFulfilled variable and use a decision to flow either back into the decision after postprocess decrement or proceed when all is fulfilled.  It would be so much easier if you could iterate over a counter to seed the sObject instance that you then collect into a variable you'd use for Fast Record Create.  Anybody else crack this cookie?
Flow - Simple

In the event I didn't miss something easy - here's how you can do what I was talking about with a simple increment counter and decision.  This will fail in bulk