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Andrew GAndrew G 

Field does not exist on Maintenance Plan


We are using the FSL managed package.  Needing to write some test coverage for the Maintenance Plan.  In the test class, I am trying to create the Maintenance Plan record as such:
MaintenancePlan maintPlan 
		= new MaintenancePlan( AccountId = testaccs[0].Id,
						Billing_Account__c = testaccs[0].Id,
						WorkTypeId = mpWt[0].Id,
						StartDate = tempDate,
						Customer_Purchase_Order_No__c = 'dummy data',
						Invoicing_Method__c = 'One Invoice per Work Order',
						Crew_Size__c = 2,
						Frequency = 1,
						FrequencyType = 'Months',
						GenerationTimeframe = 1,
						GenerationTimeframeType = 'Months',
						NextSuggestedMaintenanceDate = tempDate,
						WorkOrderGenerationMethod = 'One work order line item per asset',
						SvcApptGenerationMethod = 'One service appointment per work order',
						MaintenancePlanTitle = 'Dummy Title',
						Description = 'Dummy Description'

But on Save, I get an error:
Result: [OPERATION FAILED]: classes/CS_WorkOrderTriggerHandler_Test.cls: Field does not exist: WorkOrderGenerationMethod on MaintenancePlan (Line: 313, Column: 5)
classes/CS_WorkOrderTriggerHandler_Test.cls: Field does not exist: SvcApptGenerationMethod on MaintenancePlan (Line: 313, Column: 5)
(bold added for highlights)
Now in my field list for Maintenance Plan I see :
Snippet showing the offending field names which error message says 'doesn't exist'

So, I've copy pasted the Names but same error.
I have check Field Level Security  - System Admin plus others are listed.
Thoughts or feedback?
