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Prevent comments on Case Feed

Is there a way to prevent comments on case feed, like create a validation rule or trigger to prevent comments on case feed?
Hey Suma,

Edit the Case's Page Layout, remove the Internal Comments field. This should prevent a user to post any comments.

However, it still allows users to post the chatter feed on a Case.
Khan AnasKhan Anas (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Suma,

Greetings to you!

You need to Disable Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items (

Salesforce Classic: Setup | Customize | Cases | Support Settings
Lightning Experience: Setup | Feature Settings | Service | Support Settings
  1. Navigate to Setup and type Support Settings in the Quick Find box.
  2. Click Support Settings.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Uncheck Enable Case Feed Actions and Feed Items.
  5. Save.

I hope it helps you.

Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future. It will help to keep this community clean.

Thanks and Regards,
Khan Anas