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How to create a link to a specific community record detail page by passing the ID as a variable

I'm trying to create a link to a specific record detail page in a lightning community from a VF page, by passing the record ID as a variable.

The community record detail page I want to navigate to has a URL that looks like {BaseURL}/s/attendee/{RecordId}

The code I'm trying looks like:
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR('/s/attendee/' + a.Id)}" >
    <apex:outputText value="Modify or cancel"/>
(where a.Id is the Id for the EventAttendee record that I want to navigate to)

When I use this code and roll over the link on the rendered VF page, I see

User-added image
which looks almost right -- minus the ?isdtp=p1 part.

But when I actually click the link, it takes me to
so I'm obviously missing something to escape or URLencode the special characters, plus it's inserting /sfdcpage/ and apex in front of the part I want and isdtp=p1 after it.

What's the right way to build a formula for a URL inside an <apex:outputLink /> tag?