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Steve BerleySteve Berley 

Generically access child records in a parent-child query

I have a parent-child query where I need to use a generic approach to evaluating the results. This works great, except when trying to access the records from the child query.

In the example below:
  • 1 and 2 work and yield the same result, as you’d expect
  • 3 works perfectly
  • 4 errors with: "Invalid field Contacts for Account"
Any suggestions of how to access the child query generically?

list<account> aa = [SELECT name, ( SELECT name FROM Contacts ) FROM Account];
for (account a : aa) {
    system.debug('-- 1: ';
    system.debug('-- 2: '+a.get('name'));
    system.debug('-- 3: '+a.contacts);
    system.debug('-- 4: '+a.get('Contacts'));  // errors out
Best Answer chosen by Steve Berley
Abhishek BansalAbhishek Bansal
Hi Steve,

Since it is a list of sObjects so you should use getSobjects method instead of get.

Abhishek Bansal.

All Answers

Abhishek BansalAbhishek Bansal
Hi Steve,

Since it is a list of sObjects so you should use getSobjects method instead of get.

Abhishek Bansal.
This was selected as the best answer
Steve BerleySteve Berley
@Abishek - thank you!  I figured I was missing something simple but still I'm amazed how simple the solution was.