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firstqa systemfirstqa system 

how to save custom events in an custom object?

I have created a custom object FirstQA_Leads. I am creating a event that needs to store in the object. How to do so?
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Here is a sample code
trigger CreateCustomEvent on Object_Custom__c (after insert) {

  List<Event> lstNewEvents = new List<Event>();

  for (Object_Custom__c  oc : {
    Event e = new Event();
    e.StartDateTime = oc.Start__c;
    e.EndDateTime = oc.End__c;
    e.Subject = oc.Subject__c;
    e.WhoId = oc.User__c;	 
  insert lstNewEvents;


Here is another example from the documentation. It references a standard object. However, you can modify the code to use the custom object
public void createEventNew(Contact[] contacts) {
	String[] contactIds = new String[contacts.size()];
	for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++) {
		contactIds[i] = contacts[i].getID();
	Event event = new Event();
	event.setSubject("New Event");
	SaveResult[] results = null;
	try {
		results = connection.create(new Event[] {
	} catch (ConnectionException ce) {

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