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Is there anyway to send VF email template as a attachment to account email address

I want to send Visualforce Email Template as a pdf to records (parent Account object email field and Invoice object email address) whenever a new child record created --- by trigger or process builder.
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sumit,

Yes you can send,  Review below links that can help you.

Vinay Kumar
Yamala  HareeshYamala Hareesh
Hi Sumit,

Wanted to update few fields by trigger from parent object when new child record is created in salesforce.
Trigger ChildUpdate on Childobject__c(Before Insert)
    Set<Id> ParentIds = New Set<Id>();

    For(Childobject__c C : Trigger.New)

    List<ParentObjectName__c> ParentList = [Select Id,Address__c from ParentObjectName__c where id =: ParentIds];

    For(Childobject__c CO : Trigger.New)
        For(ParentObjectName__c PA : ParentList)
            IF(CO.ParentId__c == PA.ID)
                IF(PA.Address__c != NULL)
                    C.ChildAddressField__c = PA.Address__c ;

Yamala H@reesh