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Apex Classes not created/updated after deployment

Hello Salesforce Community,

We have been deploying our packages via following command.
sfdx force:source:deploy -p "src" -u $environment -l RunLocalTests

Last week everything was good but this week after successful deployment we cannot see the new apex classes in target environment. Also existing apex classes are not updated. Does anyone have the same problem also possible solution? 

I am sure updated classes files exist under force-app directory when running this command.

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Doan,

Re-check if there is apex metadata class existing in your org.  Else try to deploy a sample class which has no dependency to your production or so that we can confirm if there is any issue.

Else try to use ANT or changeset and deploy apex class also review audit trail if there was any changes in the production instance.

Kindly review below aura components deployment known issue which might be related to your use case.
