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Srinivas CSrinivas C 

Hi Trailblazers

I have a custom object called Task__c,task records will be assigned to contacts or resources
when they are done with the assigned task (from and to date with time will be entered by them who is working),

requirment:(Only)task name and Date with working hours should be shown in calendar of a particular task instead of object records.

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Can you share more details or screenshot?

Srinivas CSrinivas C
task__c is a custom object, we will be assigning this tasks to the contacts or employess, they start working on that tasks individual tasks by selecting the time and date from the startDate and endDate  ,User-added image
from screenshot start and finish will be enterd by the contact who is working, so based on the work hours if he worked for 3 days then 3*8(per day 8hrs) should be show in calendar.
User-added image

if he/she worked for 3 days then should show "8" hours per day in calender, i tried with events but it is not showing up the full hours as 8.
please suggest

thank you.

srinivas c