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Debbie DockeryDebbie Dockery 

Update field from picklist values

I need a workflow to update “Previous Fit Call Date” field when “Fit Call Date” is changed AND, the previous “Disposition” field value is either “Attempting to Schedule Stage 1 Meeting” OR “Stage 1 Meeting Scheduled”.
Here's What I have but it's not working.
AND(ISCHANGED( FIT_Call_Date__c ), OR(PRIORVALUE( MI_Disposition__c) = "Attempting to Schedule Stage 1 Meeting",PRIORVALUE( MI_Disposition__c) = "Stage 1 Meeting Scheduled" ))

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Is 'MI_Disposition__c' a picklist field? Try to use ISPICKVAL.

Debbie DockeryDebbie Dockery
Debbie DockeryDebbie Dockery
Yes, it is a picklist but I need the field to update if the prior value is one of the below listed