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Pratap DemoPratap Demo 

Could not find a match for URL

Hi All,

I am facing an issue when we are making a rest API call out from external system to SF(Managed Package). It throws below error : 
{"errorCode":"NOT_FOUND","message":"Could not find a match for URL"}

But after certain timeframe without making any changes the same request start working. 

URL for the request looks fine when it is failing. And if i enable the debug logs for the user i don't see logs also getting generated. 

For making a call from external server we using Connected app with Integration user.
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Appears similar to the description in this post. What URL are you using?
Pratap DemoPratap Demo
URL : "https://{instance_url}/services/apexrest/{namespace}/readActivity"
Pratap DemoPratap Demo
Another thing is that it start working after sometime without making any changes.