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Haseeb Ahmad 9Haseeb Ahmad 9 

Adding attachments in apex, convert the code to add Files

Hi Everyone, 

I have this Apex class which creates SOW and attached to "Notes & Attachments"  and I want to change that so when we generate SOW it attach to files instead.
* This controller will generate a Quote PDF and attach it to the Quote's parent Opportunity.
global class ZuoraDocumentGenerator {
    @testVisible private static final string noAmountResponse = 'Please add ACV to the opportunity before generating an SOW';
    @testVisible private static final string noOpportunitiesResponse = 'No opportunities found.';
    @testVisible private static final string notCorrectStage= 'You cannot generate an SOW before Stage 4, please fill out the required integration fields and move your Opportunity to Stage 4 to continue generating the SOW.';
    @testVisible private static final string oppOverThresholdResponse = 'Please chatter <a href="/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F90d0000008YEA" target="_blank">@Professional Services</a> in order to get an SOW generated';
    @testVisible private static final string noTemplateFoundResponse = 'No SOW templates are setup.';
    @testVisible private static final string errorContactingZuoraResponse = 'Error contacting Zuora';
    @testVisible private static integer testStatusCode;
    @testVisible private static string testSuccessMessage;
    // Generates PDF and attaches to Quote's parent Opportunity Object.
    webservice static String generateSOW(Id quoteId, String docType) {
        // query for quote to pull opportunity ID
        System.debug('** quoteid: '+ quoteId);
        System.debug('** doctype = '+ docType);
        List<zqu__quote__c> quotes = [select zqu__opportunity__c from zqu__quote__c where id = :quoteId limit 1];
        if (quotes.isEmpty()) {
            return 'No quotes found.';
        // query for opp to pull licenses cost
        List<Opportunity> opps = [select name,Custom_SOW__c,Number_of_Seats__c, StageName, Record_Type_Name__c,, bundles__c,SOWException__c, account.billingCountry,rvpe__RVAccount__r.Name, Use_Case__c from opportunity where id = :quotes[0].zqu__opportunity__c limit 1];
        if (opps.isEmpty()) {
            return noOpportunitiesResponse;
        if (opps[0].Custom_SOW__c == true) {
            return 'Unable to process Autogen request due to Custom SOW already generated. Please send a Chatter message to @proserv for assistance.';
        //if the opportunity stage is not at least stage 4 throw this error.
        List<String> stageList = new List<String>{'Stage 4-Shortlist', 'Stage 5-Verbal', 'Stage 6-Legal / Contracting','Stage 7-Closed Won','Stage 8-Closed Won: Finance'};  
            if ((!stageList.contains(opps[0].StageName)) && opps[0].Record_Type_Name__c =='New Business'){
                return notCorrectStage;
        // if there is no amount return error
        if (opps[0].Number_of_Seats__c == null) {
            return noAmountResponse;
        // get template name based on amount and bundles;  if no template is returned, it is above the threshold --> return over threshold response
        String templateName = getTemplateName(opps[0]);        
        if (templateName == null) {
            return oppOverThresholdResponse;
        // query for template using name, get the ID
        List<zqu__Quote_Template__c> quoteTemplateList = [select zqu__Template_Id__c from zqu__Quote_Template__c where name = :templateName limit 1];
        if (quoteTemplateList.isEmpty()) {
            return noTemplateFoundResponse;
        // make HTTP call to zuora to generate the document
        HttpResponse res = generateSOW(quoteTemplateList, quoteId, docType);
        if (res.getStatusCode() != 200) {
            return errorContactingZuoraResponse;
        String zuoraResponse = res.getBody();
            zuoraResponse = testSuccessMessage != null ? testSuccessMessage : 'Quote PDF document has been successfully AttachmentID: 10101';
        // if response is successful, update the attachment name and response for SOW template
        String successMessage = 'document has been successfully';
        // list of objects to update (opp and attachment)
        List<sObject> recordsForUpdate = new List<sObject>();
        // keep track of any dml errors
        String dmlErrors = '';
        if (zuoraResponse.contains(successMessage)) {
            // replace 'Quote' with 'SOW'
            zuoraResponse = zuoraResponse.replace('Quote', 'SOW');
            // update opportunity with 'SOW Generated' = true
            // update attachment name
            Attachment attachment = updateAttachment(zuoraResponse, opps[0], docType);
            if (attachment != null) {
            } else {
                dmlErrors += 'No attachment found for update.';                
            // send email to solution engineer
        if (!recordsForUpdate.isEmpty()) {
            List<Database.saveResult> results = Utils.saveRecords(recordsForUpdate, 'Update');
            dmlErrors += Utils.getResultErrorString(results);
        // if there were DML errors, send email to admin
        if (String.isNotBlank(dmlErrors)) {
            String subject = 'Error(s) in ZuoraDocumentGenerator ' +;
            Utils.sendEmailToAdmin(subject, dmlErrors);
        return zuoraResponse;
    private static String getTemplateName(Opportunity opp) {
        String results = null;
        Account account = [select id, billingCountry from Account where id =:opp.AccountId];
        if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 50 ) {
            return results;
        Set<String>useCase = new Set<String>();
        boolean isSales = false;
        boolean isSupport = false;
        for(String st : useCase){
            System.debug('*** st ='+st);
                isSales = true;
                isSupport = true;
        if(opp.rvpe__RVAccount__r.Name !=null && opp.rvpe__RVAccount__r.Name.contains('Mitel')){
            if (opp.Use_Case__c == 'Sales'|| (isSales && isSupport)) {
                if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 15) {
                    results = 'SOW 2';
                } else if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c <= 14) {
                    results =  'SOW 1';           
                    results =  'SOW 1';
        if(account.billingCountry == 'United States' || account.billingCountry == 'USA' || account.billingCountry == 'US' || account.billingCountry == 'United States of America' || account.billingCountry == 'Canada' || account.billingCountry == 'CAN'){
            // Sales use case      
            if (opp.Use_Case__c == 'Sales'|| (isSales && isSupport)) {
                if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 15) {
                    results = 'PPT SOW 2';
                } else if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c <= 14) {
                    results =  'PPT SOW 1';           
                    results =  'PPT SOW 2';
            // Support use case
            else if(opp.Use_Case__c == 'Support') {
                if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 15) {
                    results = 'PPT SOW 2';
                } else if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c <= 14) {
                    results =  'PPT SOW 1';          
                    results =  'PPT SOW 1';
        }//this will be called if the billing country is not the US or Canada
            if (opp.Use_Case__c == 'Sales'|| (isSales && isSupport)) {
                if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 15) {
                    results = 'SOW 2';
                } else if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c <= 14) {
                    results =  'SOW 1';           
                    results =  'SOW 1';
            // Support use case
            else if(opp.Use_Case__c == 'Support') {
                if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c > 15) {
                    results = 'SOW 2';
                } else if (opp.Number_of_Seats__c <= 14) {
                    results =  'SOW 1';          
                    results =  'SOW 1';
        return results;  
    public class SessionId {
        public String sessionId;
    private static String getUserSessionId() {
        SessionId sessionJson = new SessionId();
        if(!Test.isRunningTest()) {
            sessionJson = (SessionId)JSON.deserialize(Page.ZuoraGenerateSOW.getContent().toString(), SessionId.class);
        return sessionJson.sessionId;
    private static HttpResponse generateSOW(List<zqu__Quote_Template__c> quoteTemplateList, Id quoteId, String docType) {
        // Generate Quote and attach to Opportunity
        Map<String,Object> zuoraConfigInfo = zqu.zQuoteUtil.getZuoraConfigInformation();
        Zuora.ZApi zApi = new Zuora.ZApi();
        Zuora.ZApi.LoginResult loginResult = new Zuora.ZApi.LoginResult();
            loginResult = zApi.zLogin();
        } else {
            loginResult.serverUrl = 'apisandbox';
        String quoteServletUrl = loginResult.serverUrl.contains('apisandbox') ?
            '' :
        String sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
        String sfdcUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/Soap/u/10.0/' + UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
        PageReference generatePage = new PageReference(quoteServletUrl);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('templateId', quoteTemplateList[0].zqu__Template_Id__c);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('serverUrl', sfdcUrl);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('sessionId', getUserSessionId());
        generatePage.getParameters().put('quoteId', quoteId);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('attachToOpportunity', 'true');
        generatePage.getParameters().put('format', docType);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('ZSession', loginResult.session);
        generatePage.getParameters().put('useSFDCLocale', '1');
        generatePage.getParameters().put('locale', UserInfo.getLocale());
        // Zuora handles the attaching it to the opportunity through the https callout.         
        Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
            HttpResponse response = h.send(req);
            System.debug('response>>>' + response);
            return response;
        } else {
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            Integer statusCode = testStatusCode != null ? testStatusCode : 200;
            return res;
    private static Opportunity updateOpportunity(Opportunity opportunity) {
        // update boolean on opportunity to indicate an SOW was generated
        opportunity.SOW_Generated__c = true;
        opportunity.Bypass_Opportunity_Validation__c = true;
        return opportunity;
    private static Attachment updateAttachment(String zuoraResponse, Opportunity opportunity, String docType) {
        String errorMessage = '';
        String attachmentId = zuoraResponse.split('AttachmentID:', 0)[1].normalizeSpace();          
        List<Attachment> attachments = [select id, name from attachment where id = :attachmentId limit 1];
        if (!attachments.isEmpty()) {
            attachments[0].name = 'SOW for ' + + '.' + docType;
            return attachments[0];
        } else {
            return null;
    private static void notifySolutionEngineer(Opportunity opportunity) {
        List<String> toAddresses = new List<String>();
        if (opportunity.Sales_Engineer__c != null) {
        } else {
        String subject = 'An SOW has been generated for ' +;
        String baseURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();        
        String body = subject + '.\n\nHere is a link to the opportunity:  ' + baseURL + '/' +;
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        EmailUtils.sendEmails(new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>{message}, false);

This is Apex class which generate and attached SOW, how can change this to it be attached to Files. Thank you for your help. 

Best Answer chosen by Haseeb Ahmad 9
Haseeb Ahmad 9Haseeb Ahmad 9
Hi Swetha,

I get this to work with this code but now I have SOW getting links to files and attachments. how can delete the attachment from here? Where I can make that adjustment? 
private static Attachment updateAttachment(String zuoraResponse, Opportunity opportunity, String docType) {
        String errorMessage = '';
        String attachmentId = zuoraResponse.split('AttachmentID:', 0)[1].normalizeSpace();          
        List<Attachment> attachments = [select id, name, OwnerId, Body from attachment where id = :attachmentId limit 1];
        if (!attachments.isEmpty()) {
            attachments[0].name = 'SOW for ' + + '.' + docType;
            ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
            cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; 
            cVersion.PathOnClient = attachments[0].Name;//File name with extension
            cVersion.Origin = 'H';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.
            cVersion.OwnerId = attachments[0].OwnerId;//Owner of the file
            cVersion.Title = attachments[0].Name;//Name of the file
            cVersion.VersionData = attachments[0].Body;//File content
            insert cVersion;
           ContentDocumentLink cdl = new ContentDocumentLink();
           cdl.ContentDocumentId = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM 
           ContentVersion WHERE Id =: cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
           cdl.LinkedEntityId = attachments[0].parentid;
           cdl.ShareType = 'V';
           insert cdl;

            return attachments[0];
        } else {
            return null;

I only need to keep files and other copy from attachments can be deleted, how can I achieve that? 

All Answers

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Haseeb ,
Though not exact for your requirement, the below links explain how you can code to add Files (ContentDocument in Lightning experience) so you can get started

Hope this helps you. Please mark this answer as best so that others facing the same issue will find this information useful. Thank you
Haseeb Ahmad 9Haseeb Ahmad 9
Hi Swetha,

Thank you for your help.

I have made the following changes as you mentioned but the attachment is still linking to Note&attachements. I have made changes to updateAttachemnt method.
private static Attachment updateAttachment(String zuoraResponse, Opportunity opportunity, String docType) {
        String errorMessage = '';
        String attachmentId = zuoraResponse.split('AttachmentID:', 0)[1].normalizeSpace();          
        List<Attachment> attachments = [select id, name, OwnerId, Body from attachment where id = :attachmentId limit 1];
        if (!attachments.isEmpty()) {
            attachments[0].name = 'SOW for ' + + '.' + docType;
            ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
            cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; 
            cVersion.PathOnClient = attachments[0].Name;//File name with extension
            cVersion.Origin = 'H';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.
            cVersion.OwnerId = attachments[0].OwnerId;//Owner of the file
            cVersion.Title = attachments[0].Name;//Name of the file
            cVersion.VersionData = attachments[0].Body;//File content
            insert cVersion;
            return attachments[0];
        } else {
            return null;

Can you please check thank you.
Haseeb Ahmad 9Haseeb Ahmad 9
Hi Swetha,

I get this to work with this code but now I have SOW getting links to files and attachments. how can delete the attachment from here? Where I can make that adjustment? 
private static Attachment updateAttachment(String zuoraResponse, Opportunity opportunity, String docType) {
        String errorMessage = '';
        String attachmentId = zuoraResponse.split('AttachmentID:', 0)[1].normalizeSpace();          
        List<Attachment> attachments = [select id, name, OwnerId, Body from attachment where id = :attachmentId limit 1];
        if (!attachments.isEmpty()) {
            attachments[0].name = 'SOW for ' + + '.' + docType;
            ContentVersion cVersion = new ContentVersion();
            cVersion.ContentLocation = 'S'; 
            cVersion.PathOnClient = attachments[0].Name;//File name with extension
            cVersion.Origin = 'H';//C-Content Origin. H-Chatter Origin.
            cVersion.OwnerId = attachments[0].OwnerId;//Owner of the file
            cVersion.Title = attachments[0].Name;//Name of the file
            cVersion.VersionData = attachments[0].Body;//File content
            insert cVersion;
           ContentDocumentLink cdl = new ContentDocumentLink();
           cdl.ContentDocumentId = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM 
           ContentVersion WHERE Id =: cVersion.Id].ContentDocumentId;
           cdl.LinkedEntityId = attachments[0].parentid;
           cdl.ShareType = 'V';
           insert cdl;

            return attachments[0];
        } else {
            return null;

I only need to keep files and other copy from attachments can be deleted, how can I achieve that? 
This was selected as the best answer