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How to make a lazy loader with a LWC for:each loop?

Can someone help me find an example or or how to make a lazy loader like this but with a for:each loop ?

I'm getting data from an apex class

public without sharing class Controller {

    @AuraEnabled (cacheable = true)
    public static List<Case> getCaselist() {

        try {
            return [
            SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Status, Description, CreatedDate
            FROM Case 
        catch(Exception e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException('Something went wrong:'+ e.getMessage());


<template for:each={recordList} for:item="c" for:index="index">
    <div class="table-row" key={c.Id}>
        <div class="table-col">

ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Eric,

I checked and I see that there is only similar kind of examples that you have mentioned, is there any reason why you need to specifically do only with for:each ?

Looking for your response.

It needs to be displayed on a community page and has heavy styling needs.
I am also customizing the html with slds classes and custom classes to adjust the layout and feel.