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Bhavesh RekvarBhavesh Rekvar 

How to get all users of salesforce using apex code


I have tried below code as you shared but there are something error so please let me know what can i do to fix this issue.


global with sharing class UserListClass{
global static List<User> getUserList() {

Map<Id,Profile> profileIds = new Map<id,profile>([SELECT Id,UserLicenseId FROM Profile where UserLicenseId  in (SELECT Id FROM UserLicense where name ='Salesforce')]);

List<user> standardProfileUsers = [select id from user where profileId in:profileIds.Keyset()];

return standardProfileUsers;



Blow image is appear on error screen shot so please see this issue and what can i do to fix this issue..


User-added image


Please let me know, if we can do meeting for discussion related to saleforce apex code issue...

AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Can you try initializing the list? 
List<User> StandardProfileUsers = new List<User>();

I don't see any issues with your code but I suggest reviewing the solution listed here

Let me know if it helps. If it does, please mark this answer as Best. It may help others in the community. Thank You!