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Prem Singh 9Prem Singh 9 

How to change case owner by button click using buttons in lightning

I have a JS button which changes the case owner to a queue upon click. I need to move it to the lightning and now as JS buttons are not supported how can I do it? I'm an admin and doesn't know much about customization. Is there a way through which I can do the same functionality in lightning
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Prem,

Check below link which has details of quick action for cases

Prem Singh 9Prem Singh 9

Hi Vinay,

Thanks for the answer. I have a different requirement here. I have a custom JS button which upon click changes the case owner to the queue. The same functionality is required with Lightning. The link you shared will be giving me a pop-up right to change it. I want this to happen in the backend.