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Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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Brian NolauBrian Nolau leads me to a "Privacy Error screen" that mentions leads me to a "Privacy Error screen" that gives me the below message on Google Chrome:

Your connection is not private
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This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
Brian NolauBrian Nolau
is it just because the website is now? pretty confusing stuff
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
The problem you're experiencing may be related to the following Knowledge Article on Salesforce certificates changes from Symantec to DigiCert in January and February 2018. Here's a relevant snippet from the last update to the KA:

For further reference check this too,

Let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future.

​​​​​​​Salesforce Support.