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Brian Nolau 2Brian Nolau 2 

Any good video or APEX book recommendations?

I was trying to read through "Learning Salesforce Development with Apex: Write, Run and Deploy Apex Code with Ease (English Edition)" but the author doesn't even introduce basic concepts in APEX and spends 100 pages introducing the entire language. He then introduces two concepts with triggers for creating invoice records when opportunities reach a certain stage and the second opportunity he introduces doesn't even work before getting into even more advanced concepts like Salesforce SQL. 

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Brian,

You can check below references that can help you in learning apex.

Laura JoneesLaura Jonees
Hey! I have one resource on my mind to advise you. I remembered this site where I always look for books for myself. Recently, I have found a summary about Beowulf and quizzes and often I search there for fiction, but you can try to search for the book that you need. Good luck!