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Sweta GovindarajanSweta Govindarajan 

I am having the same error "The sharing rule did not behave as expected."I have dont everything but its not working please help me

AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sweta, 

I am unsure in which scenario are you seeing this error. However, I am sharing a few use cases where this error occurs below

Let me know if it helps. Thank You!
Sweta GovindarajanSweta Govindarajan
Thank you.. I am in Data Security --> Define Sharing Rules unit
Sweta GovindarajanSweta Govindarajan

I tried everything but its not working :(

It keep on saying --> The sharing rule did not behave as expected.

Nicole BottsNicole Botts
Unfortunately, I didn’t get it right too. Unable to find ( the cause of the error.