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ashish gupta 61ashish gupta 61 

Need to avoid SOQL inside for Loop

Hi All,
I have to avoid User Soql inside for loop. I have a custom object filldata__c. I need each user record for every filldata ID and want to avoid this user SOql query in for loop

 List<fill_Data__c> fillDatalist = [Select id,CreatedById,Action_Type__c from fill_Data__c Where Action_Type__c='BulkParent'];
for(fill_Data__c obj:fillDatalist){
for(ID fillID :fillIDWithCreatedBYIDMap.keyset()){
       User user=[select ID,FirstName,LastName,email from user where Id =:fillIDWithCreatedBYIDMap.get(fillID) limit 1];  // I  want to avoid this user SOql query in for loop
Please check above code and provide your solution It would be great help.
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
Please refer to the following link,

It will help you.