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anne fdsgafaanne fdsgafa 

Is there a way to get the Owner Name (NOT OwnerId) from ActionPlanTemplate object?

Is there a way to get Owner Name from ActionPlanTemplate object? I checked the list of fields in the api but there is only OwnerId.

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
You can get it like 


Refer this link
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Use  ActionPlanTemplate.Owner.Name  for Owner Name

use ActionPlanTemplate.OwnerId for Owner Id 
anne fdsgafaanne fdsgafa

Thanks Raj.

I have the query: SELECT Owner.Name,  Owner.Alias, Name, toLabel(ActionPlanType), Description, CreatedDate, Id, LastModifiedDate, SystemModstamp, Owner.Id, OwnerId FROM ActionPlanTemplate WHERE CreatedDate >= 2019-02-07T05:00:00.000Z ORDER BY Owner.Alias ASC NULLS FIRST, Id ASC NULLS FIRST

And I am outputting it to a List of type ActionPlanTemplate. My output of my List is:

 (ActionPlanTemplate:{OwnerId=0042K000109AA2qQBG, Name=APT Test, ActionPlanType=Industries, Description=Test 1, CreatedDate=2019-02-07 20:09:28, Id=0QT7F0000000073XAA, LastModifiedDate=2019-02-07 20:09:28, SystemModstamp=2019-02-07 20:09:28})

The "Owner.Name" is not being registered in my List. How can I grab it?