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Chuck M RohllfChuck M Rohllf 

System Limit Exception - Apex CPU Timeout

My code below is functional when updating accounts manually.....however, when I update several accounts with Data Loader I'm getting nothing but timeout errors - this is even with a small batch selected. I'm sure my code could use some clean-up to run more efficiently and avoid the errors.  I'm far from a developer - can anyone assist?  Thank you!
trigger AccountGetTerritoryReference on Account (before insert, before update) {

    Map<String,Territory_Reference__c> Terr2Terr_SA = new Map<String,Territory_Reference__c>();
    Map<String,Territory_Reference__c> Terr2Terr_DTT = new Map<String,Territory_Reference__c>();
    Set<String> SA = new Set<String>();
    Map<String,Contact> Contact_Estab_Id = new Map<String, Contact>();
    Set<String> CID = new Set<String>();
        if (a.RecordTypeId == '012E0000000PR3u')
        if (a.Agency__c<>null){
            //something new
            a.Agency_Name__c = a.Agency__c; // the default agency name will be the SA
        else if (a.Agency__c==null )
            a.Agency_Name__c = '';  
                a.NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c = null;
                a.NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c = null;
                a.MSO__c = null;
                a.PSE_Representative__c = null;
                a.PSM__c = null;
                a.RMOS__c = null;
                a.VOSS__c = null;
                a.VPSO__c = null;
                a.MTSS__c = null;
                a.Xerox_Entity__c = null;
                a.Area_Title_t2t__c = null;      
                a.ASD__c = null;
                a.CBM__c = null;
                a.VSPM__c = null;
                a.MPS_Manager__c = null;
    for (Territory_Reference__c t : [SELECT MTSS__c,NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c,VSEN__c,NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c,AGENT_DTT__c,AGENCY__c,AGENCY_ID__c,SA_DTT_KEY__c,VOSS__c,PSE__c,PSM__c,MSO__c,RVP__c,Area_Title__c,REGION__c,RMOS__c,ASD__c,CBM__c,VPSE__c,VSPM__c FROM Territory_Reference__c WHERE AGENCY_ID__c IN : SA]){

    if (!Terr2Terr_SA.isEmpty())

            if (Terr2Terr_DTT.get(a.Dtt__c)<>null){
                Territory_Reference__c  t2t = Terr2Terr_DTT.get(a.Dtt__c);
                a.Agency_Name__c = t2t.AGENCY__c;
                a.Inside_Sales_Representive__c = t2t.VSEN__c;
                a.VPSE__c = t2t.VPSE__c; 
            if (Terr2Terr_SA.get(a.Agency__c)<>null){
                Territory_Reference__c  t2t = Terr2Terr_SA.get(a.Agency__c);
                a.Agency_Name__c = t2t.AGENCY__c;  

                a.NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c = t2t.NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c;
                a.NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c = t2t.NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c;
                a.MSO__c = t2t.MSO__c;
                a.PSE_Representative__c = t2t.PSE__c;
                a.PSM__c = t2t.PSM__c;
                a.RMOS__c = t2t.RMOS__c;
                a.VOSS__c = t2t.VOSS__c;
                a.VPSO__c = t2t.RVP__c;
                a.MTSS__c = t2t.MTSS__c;
                a.Xerox_Entity__c = t2t.REGION__c;
                a.Area_Title_t2t__c = t2t.Area_Title__c;      
                a.ASD__c = t2t.ASD__c;
                a.CBM__c = t2t.CBM__c;
                a.VSPM__c = t2t.VSPM__c;

        List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>();
   List<Contact> contactList1 = new List<Contact>();
for(Account acc: [SELECT Id,RecordTypeID,(SELECT Id,RecordTypeID,Account.Id FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Id in:]){
   If(acc.Contacts.size()>0 && acc.RecordTypeID =='012E0000000PR3u'){
        for(contact c:contactList){
    If(c.RecordTypeID !='012440000002T6J' && c.Account.Id == acc.Id){
       //a.NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c = t2t.NAIS_VOSS_Mgr__c;
                //a.NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c = t2t.NAIS_VSEN_Mgr__c;
                c.CBM__c = a.MSO__c;
               // a.PSE__c = t2t.PSE__c;
              //  a.PSM__c = t2t.PSM__c;
               // a.RVP__c = t2t.RMOS__c;
              //  a.VOSS__c = t2t.VOSS__c;
              //  a.RVP__c = t2t.RVP__c;
               // a.MTSS__c = t2t.MTSS__c;
             //   a.Xerox_Entity__c = t2t.REGION__c;
              //  a.Area_Title_t2t__c = t2t.Area_Title__c;      
              //  a.ASD__c = t2t.ASD__c;
              //  a.CBM__c = t2t.CBM__c;
             //   a.VSPM__c = t2t.VSPM__c
update contactList1;


Hey Chuck, right off the top, on line 128 there's an update inside the for loop. Also on line 11, there's a if statement but there's no scope for it to check and get into it. Get the indentation right to kill the confusion.