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Bhanu Tanaka 5Bhanu Tanaka 5 

How to reduce the width of a lightning-tabset (vertical)

Hello - I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the width of a lightning-tabset set to the vertical variant.  Our tab labels are very short (3 chars) and I'd like to save on the screen real estate.  Current code as follows:
<lightning-tabset variant="vertical">
    <template for:each={practiceList} for:item="practice">
        <lightning-tab label={practice.systemOfRecord} key={}>

Thank you!
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
You can specify the custom style class with the width and use!importance in css  .. try and let me know if not working ..

Naveen KNNaveen KN
hi Bhanu, 

I see a standard class and style have given for the tabs in the vertical variant. As Raj said, the only way is to override the style for your case.
