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Supriyo Ghosh 9Supriyo Ghosh 9 

Unable to do Code Coverage


Can anyone help me with code coverage.


public class SMSTask {

 public string strMobNo{ get; set; }
    public SMSTask(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
        String MBRid;
    public SMSTask () { }
    Public void sendMessage(){
        Http http  = new Http(); 
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); 
        String fromNum='918973147939';
        //String toNum= '919790882125';
        strMobNo = '919790882125';
        if (test.isRunningTest()!=true) HttpResponse res = http.send(req); 
        //XMLDom responseXML = new XMLDom(res.getBody());   
    @future (callout=true)
    Public static void smsCustomer1(Id tskId) {
        SMS_Settings__c smsS = [select id, Name, senderId__c,task_sms__c,Mobile_Number__c, ValueFirst_Username__c, ValueFirst_Password__c from SMS_Settings__c where name ='Proposal'] ; 
        Task tsk = [select id,Status,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.FirstName,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.LastName,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.PersonMobilePhone 
                    from Task where id=:tskId];
        String fromNo = smsS.senderId__c; //'PGFIIT';
        String toNo =  '91' + tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.PersonMobilePhone; // '919790882125'; // 
        String Name = tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.FirstName + ' '+ tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.LastName; 
        //system.debug(Name + '\n'+ppd.Paid_Amount__c+'\n'+ppd.Premium__r.Proposal_Number__c);
        String message = smss.task_sms__c.replace('CUSTNAME', Name);
        //message = message.replace('PAYAMOUNT', String.valueOf(ppd.Paid_Amount__c));
        //message = message.replace('PROPID', ppd.Premium__r.Proposal_Number__c); 
        String xmlMessage = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
                xmlMessage += '<!DOCTYPE MESSAGE SYSTEM "" >';
                xmlMessage += '<MESSAGE><USER USERNAME="'+smss.ValueFirst_Username__c+'" PASSWORD="'+smss.ValueFirst_Password__c+'"/>';
                xmlMessage += '<SMS UDH="0" CODING="1" TEXT="'+message +'" PROPERTY="0" ID="'+tskId+'">';
                xmlMessage += '<ADDRESS FROM="'+ fromNo +'" TO="'+toNo +'" SEQ="1" TAG="Premium Payment" />';
                xmlMessage += '</SMS></MESSAGE>';
        String encodedUrl = ''+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(xmlMessage, 'UTF-8');
        String decodedUrl = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(encodedUrl, 'UTF-8');  system.debug(decodedUrl);
        Http h = new Http(); 
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); 
        if (test.isRunningTest()!=true) {
            HttpResponse res = invokeWebService(h, req); handleWebServiceResponseCust(tskId);
        } else {
    public static HttpResponse invokeWebService(Http h, HttpRequest req){
        HttpResponse res = h.send(req); return res;

  public static void handleWebServiceResponseCust(String tskid){
        Task tsk = [select id,Status,task_sms__c,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.PersonMobilePhone from Task where id=:tskId];
        if (tsk.Status == 'Completed') {
            tsk.task_sms__c = true;
            update tsk;


Test Class :

@isTest (SeeAllData=true)
private class TestTaskSMS{
    static testMethod void testTaskSMS() {
        RecordType rt = [select id from RecordType where sObjectType = 'Account' and Name = 'Individual'];
        Account a = new Account(Salutation = 'Mr', FirstName='Test', LastName='Test Acc', PersonMobilePhone='9790882125', RecordTypeId = rt.Id, House_No_Street__c = 'Address');
        insert a;
        Proposal_Details__c propd = new Proposal_Details__c( Account_Name__c = a.Id, Status_del__c = 'Initiated', Proposal_Application_Number__c = '001' );
        insert propd;
        SMS_Details__c SMS = new SMS_Details__c(Message__c = 'Test1', Mobile_Number__c = '9791222241', GUID__c = 'kgckh225103451f410014fveqh--PFPDLXML', Submited_Date_Time__c = Date.Today());
        insert SMS;
        SMS_Details__c SMS1 = new SMS_Details__c(Message__c = 'Test1', Mobile_Number__c = '9791222241', GUID__c = 'kgckh225103451f410014fveqh--PFPDLXML', 
        SMS_Request_Sent__c = TRUE, Submited_Date_Time__c = Date.Today());
        insert SMS1;
        SMS_Settings__c st = new SMS_Settings__c(Name='Proposal1', SenderId__c = 'PGFIIT', ValueFirst_Username__c = 'pfpdlxml', ValueFirst_Password__c = 'pfpxml@123');
        insert st;
        Task tsk=new Task(Status = 'Planned');
        insert tsk;
        tsk.Status = 'Completed';
        update tsk;
        SMSTask si = new SMSTask();
        OI_custom_SMS_Settings sms5 = new OI_custom_SMS_Settings ();

Please help
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Supriyo,
The below articles give an idea of how code coverage can be improved. You will need to customize based on your requirement
Hope this helps you. Please mark this answer as best so that others facing the same issue will find this information useful. Thank you
Supriyo Ghosh 9Supriyo Ghosh 9

How to cover this portion.Please help with sample code.

@future (callout=true)
    Public static void smsCustomer1(Id tskId) {
        SMS_Settings__c smsS = [select id, Name, senderId__c,task_sms__c,Mobile_Number__c, ValueFirst_Username__c, ValueFirst_Password__c from SMS_Settings__c where name ='Proposal'] ; 
        Task tsk = [select id,Status,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.FirstName,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.LastName,Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.PersonMobilePhone 
                    from Task where id=:tskId];
        String fromNo = smsS.senderId__c; //'PGFIIT';
        String toNo =  '91' + tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.PersonMobilePhone; // '919790882125'; // 
        String Name = tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.FirstName + ' '+ tsk.Proposal_Number__r.Account_Name__r.LastName; 
        String message = smss.task_sms__c.replace('CUSTNAME', Name);
        String xmlMessage = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
                xmlMessage += '<!DOCTYPE MESSAGE SYSTEM "" >';
                xmlMessage += '<MESSAGE><USER USERNAME="'+smss.ValueFirst_Username__c+'" PASSWORD="'+smss.ValueFirst_Password__c+'"/>';
                xmlMessage += '<SMS UDH="0" CODING="1" TEXT="'+message +'" PROPERTY="0" ID="'+tskId+'">';
                xmlMessage += '<ADDRESS FROM="'+ fromNo +'" TO="'+toNo +'" SEQ="1" TAG="Premium Payment" />';
                xmlMessage += '</SMS></MESSAGE>';
        String encodedUrl = ''+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(xmlMessage, 'UTF-8');
        String decodedUrl = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(encodedUrl, 'UTF-8');  system.debug(decodedUrl);
        Http h = new Http(); 
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); 
        if (test.isRunningTest()!=true) {
            HttpResponse res = invokeWebService(h, req); handleWebServiceResponseCust(tskId);
        } else {