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Simple Jest test is failing

Hello i have a very simple LWC component that runs on a custom record, it takes in the rec id as a paramater calls apex, and displayes the response message to the user.

The issue i am having is when writing a Jest test for this i encounter errors even though my component / test is basisicly identical to the one seen in the examples: ( 


Can anyone help me corrrect this test so that it no longer fails / causes the other tests to fail.


Below is the HTML of my LWC:


Below is the .js of my LWC:

import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc';
import syncData from '@salesforce/apex/DataController.syncData';
import Data_Sync_Fail from '@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Fail';
import Data_Sync_Default_Message from '@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Default_Message';
import Data_Sync_Heading from '@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Heading';

export default class syncDataLwc extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @track syncMessage = Data_Sync_Default_Message;
    @track syncDone = false;

    // Expose the labels to use in the template.
    label = {

    connectedCallback() {
        syncData({rec: this.recordId})
         .then (response => {
             this.syncMessage = response;
             this.syncDone = true;
         .catch(() => {
             this.syncMessage = Data_Sync_Fail;
             this.syncDone = true;

Below is the .JEST test code for my LWC:

import { createElement } from 'lwc';
import syncDataLwc from 'c/syncDataLwc';
import Data_Sync_Fail from '@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Fail';
import Data_Sync_Heading from '@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Heading';
import syncData from '@salesforce/apex/DataController.syncData';

let element;

//mock out the text for the heading label
jest.mock("@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Heading", () => {
    return { default: "Sync Data" };
}, { virtual: true });

//mock out the text for the default failure message label
jest.mock("@salesforce/label/c.Data_Sync_Fail", () => {
    return { default: "Failed to Synchronise Data. Data could be out of date." };
}, { virtual: true });

// ----- adding the apex mock causes all tests to fail, when not mocked tests work as exspected.

// Mocking syncData Apex method call
jest.mock('@salesforce/apex/DataController.syncData', () => {
     return {default: jest.fn()};
}, { virtual: true });

// Sample error for imperative Apex call
const APEX_REC_SUCCESS =  "this is a test";

describe('c-sync-Data-lwc', () => {
	//This line of code is necessary to reset the DOM after each block of test code
	afterEach(() => {
		while (document.body.firstChild) {

    // Helper function to wait until the microtask queue is empty. This is needed for promise
    // timing when calling imperative Apex.
    function flushPromises() {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        return new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve));
    //An it block describes a single test. A test represents a single functional unit that you want to test. Write the it to describe the expected behavior of that function.
    it('CUSTOM LABEL TEST: Custom label for the heading was mocked with the default value', () => {
		// Create initial element
		const element = createElement('c-syncDataLwc', {
			is: syncDataLwc
        return flushPromises().then(() =>  {
            const paragraphs = element.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('p');

            const boldHeading = element.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('b');

            expect(boldHeading[0].textContent).toBe("Sync Data");

    it('APEX RETURN SUCESS: checking that the default error is used when apex call fails', () => {
        const REC_ID = '001';
        const APEX_PARAMETERS = { rec: REC_ID };
		// Create initial element
		const element = createElement('c-syncDataLwc', {
			is: syncDataLwc
		// Assign mock value for resolved Apex promise
        return flushPromises().then(() =>  {

           //get the paragraphs on the html page
		   const paragraphs = element.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('p');

			//check the text is = to the sucess mock



Paula den OudenPaula den Ouden
connectedCallback() is called when you append the element to the document body, so you should assign the mock value before you call document.body.appendChild(element);