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Savita SinghSavita Singh 

I would like to be able to log in 2 different users on the same browser on same salesforce org

Hi everyone ,
I would like to be able to log in 2 different users on the same browser on same org . is that possible ?
as far as i know this is not possible but need same oinputs on this . if its required then how to do that . 
any help would be appriciated 
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Savita, 

Unfortunately, it is not possible due to security reasons. When you attempt to do this, the session is considered as a suspicious session and is ended

If you have to test this scenario, you will observe the following

When you log in as two different users on the same browser in different windows you will see that the second user login is taken over the control as the first user login is no longer there once we refresh the page. This behavior is consistent across browsers like Chrome and IE. If you are logging in from the same Instance prefix (for e.g AP1), then you cannot use the same browser to login to two different users.

Your option at this moment is to use different browsers (IE 8, Chrome, ect.), However, you can log in to different instances using the same browser because the Salesforce instance prefixes are different. This is working as designed

If you find the information I shared above helpful, please mark this answer as Best. It may help others in the community. Thank You!

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Savita,

No, you cannot logged in 2 different users on the same browser of same Org.   Try using LoginAs feature.

Kindly review below idea links and vote.

You can try checking below workaround but not sure it will work.

Hope above information was helpful.

Please mark as Best Answer so that it can help others in the future.

Vinay Kumar