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Einstein TesterEinstein Tester 

Test class for batch class passed success but 0% code coverage

Hi All,

Can anyone help me here as to why i am getting code coverage as 0% even though my test class is running successfully?

The scenario is that i am fetching all the Frozen users from the UserLogin object and then updating a custom checkbox field on user named "Frozen" to 'True'' or 'False'. I am doing this to ensure the users who do not have access to view the standard Freeze button on user object Salesforce can indentify whether a user is frozen or not by seeing the custom Frozen field.

Below is the apex class which is working fine but the test class is showing 0% code covreage. 

Apex Class:
global class UserUpdateBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {

    Public String query;

    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        query = 'SELECT Id, Frozen__c FROM User'+(Test.isRunningTest()?' LIMIT 200':'');
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<User> scope) {    
        List<Id> usrLogLst = new List<Id>();
        for(UserLogin ul : [SELECT UserId, isFrozen from UserLogin where isFrozen = true and UserId IN: scope]){
        for(User usr : scope){
                usr.Frozen__c = True;
                usr.Frozen__c = False;

        Database.SaveResult [] updateResult = Database.update(scope, false);
        for (Database.SaveResult r : updateResult)
            if (!r.isSuccess()) 
                for (Database.Error e : r.getErrors())
            { system.debug('Error'+e); }
               update scope;}
        global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

Test Class:

public class UserUpdateBatchTest{

Public static TestMethod Void TestActiveUser() {

        Profile p = [Select Id From Profile Where Name='System Administrator'];

        User TestUser = New User( Alias = 'testuser', Email='',
         LastName= 'Testme', Firstname= 'you', Languagelocalekey= 'en_US', 
        LocaleSidKey='en_US', Frozen__c = True, TimeZoneSidkey='America/Los_Angeles',,
         UserName= '', EmailEncodingKey= 'UTF-8');
        insert TestUser;


  ID batchjobid = Database.executeBatch(new UserupdateBatch());


        User assertUser= [select Id, Username, Frozen__c From User Where][0];
        System.assertEquals(True, assertUser.Frozen__c);

Public Static TestMethod Void TestInActiveUser() {

        Profile p = [Select Id From Profile Where Name='System Administrator'];

        User TestUser = New User( Alias = 'Newuser', Email='', 
        LastName= 'Testme', Firstname= 'you', Languagelocalekey= 'en_US', 
        EmailEncodingKey= 'UTF-8', Frozen__c = False, LocaleSidKey='en_US', 
        Profileid=, TimeZoneSidkey='America/Los_Angeles',
        UserName= '');
        List<User> lstUsr = new List <User>();                  
        Database.SaveResult userInsertResult= Database.insert(TestUser);
        UserUpdateBatch sh1 = new UserUpdateBatch();
        //String sch = '0 0 23 * * ?'; system.schedule('Test', sch, sh1); 
        testUser.IsActive =False;
        Update testuser;
   ID batchjobid = Database.executeBatch(new UserupdateBatch());

        User assertUser = [Select Id, Username,Frozen__c From User Where][0];

        System.assertEquals(False, assertUser.Frozen__c);

AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Can you add the following testMethod to your test class and see if it makes any difference?
static testmethod void test() {        
        UserupdateBatch uub = new UserupdateBatch ();
        Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(uub);

Just following the syntax as per the documentation

Einstein TesterEinstein Tester
Thank you for the reply Anudeep! I updated the above block of code in my test class. Here is the updated code below. Still, the other two methods passed but the new method that i added failed with this error in screenshot:Error

When i open the is in the errror, it is the id of the Automated user profile from our system. I don't why is this id getting errored out as i have not referened this profile anywhere in my main class.

Updated test class:

public class UserUpdateBatchTest{

Public static TestMethod Void TestActiveUser() {

        Profile p = [Select Id From Profile Where Name='GP - Sales'];
        User TestUser = New User( Alias = 'testuser', Email='',
         LastName= 'Testme', Firstname= 'you', Languagelocalekey= 'en_US', 
        LocaleSidKey='en_US', Frozen__c = True, TimeZoneSidkey='America/Los_Angeles',,
         UserName= '', EmailEncodingKey= 'UTF-8');
        insert TestUser;


  ID batchjobid = Database.executeBatch(new UserupdateBatch());


        User assertUser= [select Id, Username, Frozen__c From User Where][0];
        System.assertEquals(True, assertUser.Frozen__c);

Public Static TestMethod Void TestInActiveUser() {

        Profile p = [Select Id From Profile Where Name='GP - Sales'];

        User TestUser = New User( Alias = 'Newuser', Email='', 
        LastName= 'Testme', Firstname= 'you', Languagelocalekey= 'en_US', 
        EmailEncodingKey= 'UTF-8', Frozen__c = False, LocaleSidKey='en_US', 
        Profileid=, TimeZoneSidkey='America/Los_Angeles',
        UserName= '');
        List<User> lstUsr = new List <User>();                  
        Database.SaveResult userInsertResult= Database.insert(TestUser);
        UserUpdateBatch sh1 = new UserUpdateBatch();
        //String sch = '0 0 23 * * ?'; system.schedule('Test', sch, sh1); 
        testUser.IsActive =False;
        Update testuser;
   ID batchjobid = Database.executeBatch(new UserupdateBatch());

        User assertUser = [Select Id, Username,Frozen__c From User Where][0];


 static testmethod void test() {        
        UserupdateBatch uub = new UserupdateBatch ();
        Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(uub);

Hi @Einstein Tester, 

I am getting similar issue. 
The Test class is passing for my Batch class. But the code coverage is showing 0%. The class is not covering even 1 line. 

Have you found any solution for this?

