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Filip Poverud 1-9Filip Poverud 1-9 

Lightning Data Table with typeAittributes from Controller

Hi all.
I'm creating a dynamic LE DataTable component using Aura.
I'm producing the Columns in the Controller based upon FieldSets and in the Helper I rewrite Columns in order to cover Related Fields.

I have a small issue with labeling HyperLinks:

Controller Code:
public class DynamicLightningDataTableController {
	Method Name	: getObjectRecords
	Purpose		: Create a Lightning Data Table configured by LAB and FieldSets
    public static DataTableResponse getObjectRecords(String strObjectName, String strFieldSetName, String strRelativeId, String strRecordId, String strPartnerType){                
        //Get the fields from the FieldSet
        Schema.SObjectType SObjectTypeObj = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(strObjectName);
        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult DescribeSObjectResultObj = SObjectTypeObj.getDescribe();            
        Schema.FieldSet fieldSetObj = DescribeSObjectResultObj.FieldSets.getMap().get(strFieldSetName);
        //Table Headers
        List<DataTableColumns> lstDataColumns = new List<DataTableColumns>();
        //Fields added to the SOQL query
        List<String> lstFieldsToQuery = new List<String>();
        //The final wrapper response returned to the component
        DataTableResponse response = new DataTableResponse();
        for( Schema.FieldSetMember eachFieldSetMember : fieldSetObj.getFields() ){
            String dataType = String.valueOf(eachFieldSetMember.getType()).toLowerCase();
            //Mapping Schema Object DataTypes with lightning:datatable component structure
            if(dataType == 'datetime'){
                dataType = 'date';
            //Create a wrapper instance and store Label, fieldName, Type and typeAttributes.
            DataTableColumns datacolumns = new DataTableColumns(	String.valueOf(eachFieldSetMember.getLabel()) , 
        //Form an SOQL to fetch the data - Set the wrapper instance and return as response
        if(! lstDataColumns.isEmpty()){            
            response.lstDataTableColumns = lstDataColumns;
            String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join(lstFieldsToQuery, ',') + ' FROM ' + strObjectName + ' WHERE ' + strRelativeId + ' = ' + '\'' + strRecordId + '\' AND ' + strPartnerType + ' !=null';
            response.lstDataTableData = Database.query(query);
        return response;
    //Wrapper class to hold Columns with Headers
    public class DataTableColumns {
        public String label {get;set;}
        public String fieldName {get;set;}
        public String type {get;set;}
        public Object typeAttributes {get;set;}
        //Create and set three variables label, fieldname and type as required by the lightning:datatable
        public DataTableColumns(String label, String fieldName, String type, String typeAttributes){
            this.label = label;
            this.fieldName = fieldName;
            this.type = type;
			this.typeAttributes = typeAttributes;            
    //Wrapper class to hold response - This response is used in the lightning:datatable component
    public class DataTableResponse {
        public List<DataTableColumns> lstDataTableColumns {get;set;}
        public List<sObject> lstDataTableData {get;set;}                
        public DataTableResponse(){
            lstDataTableColumns = new List<DataTableColumns>();
            lstDataTableData = new List<sObject>();
As you can see I set typeAttributes to blank for now.

In the Helper I do the rearrangement:
// Rename Related Column FieldNames
                var crows = response.getReturnValue().lstDataTableColumns;
                for(var i = 0 ; i < crows.length;i++) {
                    var crow = crows[i];
                    if(crow.fieldName == "Customer__r.Name"){
                        crow.fieldName = "CustomerName";
                    if(crow.fieldName == "Consultant_View__c"){
                        crow.type = "url";
                        crow.typeAttributes = "label: \'linkLabel\'";
                // Rename Related Data Pointers
                var drows = response.getReturnValue().lstDataTableData;
                for(var i = 0 ; i < drows.length;i++) {
                    var drow = drows[i];
                        drow.CustomerName = drow.Customer__r.Name;
                        drow.Consultant_View__c = "/lightning/r/PM_Partner__c/a2k0E000000MVkIQAW/view";
                        drow.linkLabel = "View Detail";
And the returned LE DataTable looks like this:

User-added image

If we look at the actual datasets produced:

User-added imageSo the problem is basically the Labeling of the link.
I have looked at examples and as long as I hardcode the Columns the traditional way with a component.set, everything works. But since this is produced in the controlle and I override it, I'm not sure how to set the proper values in the attribute so it is interpreted correctly.

Thank you in advance