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Is their any way by which we can Export Content from a Salesforce CMS workspace and Import the same content to another Workspace?

I need to export content of one salesforce CMS workspace to another CMS workspace, I crawled the internet but found nothing helpful. Their were some ideas regarding translation, but that somehow didn't worked out.
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
As far as I know, you can retrieve the custom content type in an org using ManagedContentType. However, the Metadata does not list a workspace to alter so guess that is not possible
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">;


I tried to fetch the data using Content Delivery API , I get the content with all the information i need in JSON format, but when I try to import the file I get an error 
"  "details": [{"message": "No content found in input to be imported. Content did not import to the workpsace."}]


here is the link to use content Delivery API

Content Delivery API (

Tom TamTom Tam
Any updates on exporting to a different workspace? I have CMS content in QA I would like to migrate to Production.
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 

To import content, you should have a zip file with JSON files inside it. The JSON files should follow the format documented here:

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