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Jonathan Wolff 7Jonathan Wolff 7 

Update field with old uploaded Ids by trigger

Hello, I have a trigger on ContentDocumentLink. When a file is uploaded the trigger populates a field. The problem is, that I need to reupload the Ids in every record now. Could you tell me an option so i can populate if with the latest Id in every record?
trigger ContentIdEintragen on ContentDocumentLink (after insert) {
    map<id,id> parentids = new map<id,id>();
    List<Mediathek__c> ContentDocumentIdupdate = new List<Mediathek__c>();
    for(Mediathek__c mt:[select id from Mediathek__c where id IN:parentids.keyset()]){
            mt.ContentDocumentID__c = parentids.get(;
    update ContentDocumentIdupdate;

AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jonathan,

If you have uploaded two files then both documents ids need to capture in parent record?
