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Bi HồBi Hồ 

Apex job doesn't run on time

Hi All,
I created 1 scheduled job, which will run every 5 minutes like below.
User-added image

It can run normally, but I wonder why at the time 8h45, 8h50, 8h55, 9h00, 9h5, and 9h10, it cannot run the apex job. Then from 9h6 to 9h11, it runs 6 times. It is all apex jobs that should be run from 8h45 to 9h10.
User-added image
I have 2 questions:
1. Why the apex job doesn't run on time?
2. Can I handle it when the apex job doesn't run on time? e.g: send an email to the administrator
Thank you,
Bi HồBi Hồ
Another info: I see the submitted time needs to be on time. Just the job at 8h45 is correct, 5 jobs other aren't on time. That means it is not the job in the queue and waiting for resources to execute. 
VarSha ChouguleVarSha Chougule
Hi Bi Ho,

Salesforce schedules the class for execution at the specified time. Actual execution may be delayed based on service availability.
It's a multi-tenant system. Your server may be loaded up with requests at the time the job is scheduled to execute.

Refer below for further details-

Mark as best answer is this helps!