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Lwc SeekarLwc Seekar 

Simple formula not giving result in FLOW

Hi Team , 
i have picklist field on opportunity named Status__c which needs to be updated from flow based on below conditions. some how my flow is not updating the value. when i debugged i can see my trace of node. 

IF({!$Record.CloseDate} <= {!$Record.ctc__r.End_Date__c},'Correct Time',IF( AND({!$Record.CloseDate}<=({!$Record.ctc__r.End_Date__c}+30),{!$Record.CloseDate} >{!$Record.ctc__r.End_Date__c}),'Correct Time after 30Days',''))

can you please guide here
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Seekar,
Does it also show any error? Thanks
Lwc SeekarLwc Seekar
Hello Swetha, 

There is no error in debug loggg, but the field is not updating the value from After update Flow