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Daniel Peaper 8Daniel Peaper 8 

Illegal Character On Callout Error

Hi Everyone,

I'm struggling with a callout that I'm trying send using a named credential and a REST query. The problem is that I keep getting a runtime error due to the > symbol. However, the >= works fine when I test it from postman. Here is a portion of my code:-

modifiedDate = '/products?where=modifieddate>=\'' + modifiedDate + '\'';
//Poll Cin7 for changes
//Define the transaction variables.
HttpRequest req = New HttpRequest();
HttpResponse res = New HttpResponse();
Http h = New Http();
//Configure the request
req.setEndpoint('callout:Cin7' + modifiedDate);
//Configure standard headers
req.setHeader('Accept', '*/*');
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

//Attempt the callout - Log an error on exception.
res = h.send(req);

The error that I receive is: System.CalloutException: Illegal character in opaque part at index 40: callout:Cin7/products?where=modifieddate>='2022-04-08T10:01:58.000Z'

Any ideas how to solve this?

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Daniel,
Related wherein root cause is the whitespace at the mentioned index position of the filepath.

You might want to check for any special characters too in the URL. Thanks
Daniel Peaper 8Daniel Peaper 8

Thank you @Swetha,

There is no whitespace in the url, the issue seems to be with the > symbol. If I take that out and just have = it works. However, that doesn't meet my requirement of pulling all records modified since the last poll. I also tried replacing the > with it's ASCII  code but that gave me a "Bad Request" error from the server.

Rodrigo SorianoRodrigo Soriano
Hello Daniel,
I know it's been more than a year since the question was asked, but I had a similar issue, and it appears that the symbols '>' and '<' should be represented in a URL as '%3E' and '%3C,' respectively. It's possible that you've already resolved the issue, but at least for others like me who come across this question, they can find the answer. :)