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Jonathan PenaJonathan Pena 

How do i check how data is feeding into an object in Salesforce

I have two objecs in salesforce that are beeing feed data from an external system. How do i check how data is being fed into those object. 
Best Answer chosen by Jonathan Pena
mukesh guptamukesh gupta
Hi Jonathan,

by REST API integration you can use email functionality in apex , when you want to know how many records updated in salesforce.
Or you can use a new object that will store record Id if record is successfully added in salesforce , if any error due to insert ot update time then this errror will log in new object error_log__c field. that's would be help full to track in future

if you need any assistanse, Please let me know!!

Kindly mark my solution as the best answer if it helps you.


All Answers

PriyaPriya (Salesforce Developers) 

Hey Jonathan,

You can track it from the debug log.


Priya Ranjan

mukesh guptamukesh gupta
Hi Jonathan,

by REST API integration you can use email functionality in apex , when you want to know how many records updated in salesforce.
Or you can use a new object that will store record Id if record is successfully added in salesforce , if any error due to insert ot update time then this errror will log in new object error_log__c field. that's would be help full to track in future

if you need any assistanse, Please let me know!!

Kindly mark my solution as the best answer if it helps you.

This was selected as the best answer