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akshay cpakshay cp 

How to show error if we try to import data without required values in salesforce using data loader?

Plaese help someone
Best Answer chosen by akshay cp
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Akshay,

You can't able to show error message direclty on daloader for mandatory fields.

when you try to import the data by hitting the insert button on the data loader than only it will generate susccess and failure file.

Before importing the data, need to make sure what are all the mandatory fields for respective object and make sure those fields are available in csv file.

If this helps, Please mark it as best answer.


All Answers

AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Akshay,

You can't able to show error message direclty on daloader for mandatory fields.

when you try to import the data by hitting the insert button on the data loader than only it will generate susccess and failure file.

Before importing the data, need to make sure what are all the mandatory fields for respective object and make sure those fields are available in csv file.

If this helps, Please mark it as best answer.

This was selected as the best answer
Shams TabrezShams Tabrez
No, you can't see an error message before loading the data. 
The data loader tries to import the records into a database without mandatory fields but doesn't succeed in its process and throws an error file with all the records whose required fields are missing.

akshay cpakshay cp
Thank you 
Ankaiah and 
Shams Tabrez