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Ashok Reddy 216Ashok Reddy 216 

write a wrapper class to display accounts and its related contacts in a single lightning table using lwc

write a wrapper class to display accounts and its related contacts in a single lightning table using lwc??
Hii Ashok
Try Below Code
public class wrapperClassDemo {
    public static List<AccountrelContact> getAllAccountWithContacts(){
        List<AccountrelContact> accWrapperList = new List<AccountrelContact>();
        List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Name, BillingState, Website, Phone,
                                    (SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Name, Email From Contacts)
                                    FROM Account Where Name like '%United%'];
            for(Account acc : accList){
                AccountrelContact accWrapper = new AccountrelContact();
                accWrapper.accRecord = acc;
                accWrapper.contactList = acc.Contacts;
                accWrapper.contactCount = acc.Contacts.size();
        return accWrapperList;
    public class AccountrelContact{
        public Account accRecord{get;set;}
        public List<Contact> contactList{get;set;}
        public Integer contactCount{get;set;}


    <lightning-card title="Data From Wrapper Class" icon-name="custom:custom11">
      <div class='specific'>
    <table class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered">
            <tr class="slds-line-height_reset">
              <th class="" scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Account Name">Account Name</div>
              <th class="" scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Parent Account">Contacts Related With Account</div>
              <th class="" scope="col">
                <div class="slds-truncate" title="Parent Account">Contacts Count</div>
            <template for:each={data} for:item="keyValue">
                <tr key={keyValue.accRecord.Id}>
                    <th scope="col">
                    <th scope="col">
                    <template for:each={keyValue.contactList} for:item="con">
                        <div key={con.Id}>{con.Name} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {con.Email}</div>
                <th scope="col">

import { LightningElement,wire,track } from 'lwc';
import getAllAccountWithContacts from '@salesforce/apex/wrapperClassDemo.getAllAccountWithContacts';
export default class WrapperData extends LightningElement {
    @wire(getAllAccountWithContacts, {
        data, error
        if (data) { 
    = data;
            this.error = undefined;  
           } else if (error) {  
            this.error = error;  
    = undefined;
Please Mark It As Best Answer If It Helps
Thank You!
Ashok Reddy 216Ashok Reddy 216
Hi CharuDutt,
I don't want to use html table, I need display data in lightning table.