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Unable to deploy a LWC that imports a LightningMessageChannel to Sandbox

Hello, I have created a the very first messageChannel in our repo under the folder "messageChannels" and have created the xml file "Test_Sample.messageChannel-meta.xml" and deployed it successfully to a sandbox org. If I then import that messageChannel into my LWC:

import TestSampleMsgChannel from '@salesforce/messageChannel/Test_Sample__c';

when I try to deploy the LWC from IntelliJ (Illuminated Cloud), I get this error:

Error:(1, 1) FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION - org.auraframework.throwable.AuraRuntimeException: Unable to retrieve metadata for descriptor: markup://c:__LightningMessageChannel__Test_Sample__c: Source

Is someone able to assist me in understanding why I'm seeing this issue?
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers)