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kallam salesforce1kallam salesforce1 

Created a connected App in dev Env when it is deployed in Test Env then Client Id, Client secrete Id, Username,Password will remains same? the Endpoint url for dev and test env will be different? Can someone help me how it will work in test Env?

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Kallam,
One organization acts as the "host" of the connected app. All other orgs will automatically "install" it on the first use in that org. There's no need to package it up or deploy it anywhere.

If you were to create it in every other org, you'd have unique client ID and client secret values, which would be disastrous at best. I would say you should create your Connected App in a permanent org (production or a DE org), rather than a Sandbox, which could be destroyed, coincidentally deleting the Connected App.


Also see

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you