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How to write a test class for cover my class ?

Hi, i want to cover my class but i don't know what i do that.

public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription {
private static String TU_PREFIX = 'TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup';
public static String TYPE_VALIDATOR_PLAN_NAME = '%Bulletin de souscription%';
public static String PLAN_NAME = 'Validation document';

private static String CABINETID = '56789';
private static String URL = 'https://ged-sous/DocuWare/Platform/';

static void TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup(){
    List<TypeValidator__c> LstValidator = new List<TypeValidator__c>{
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.1 - Justificatif de domicile'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.2 - RIB'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.3 - CNI'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.4 - Tutelle/Curatelle'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.5 - Correspondances'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.6 - Status'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.7 - KBIS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscriptions'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.7 - Origine des fonds'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.1 - Certificat'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.2 - Courrier'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.1 - Chèque'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.2 - Virement'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FACTA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.10 - Attestation régimes matrimoniaux'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.11 - Documents complémentaires'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.14 - Justificatif(s) identité Représentant PM et Dirigeant'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.15 - Liasse fiscale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.16 - Livret de famille'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.17 - PV'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.18 - Offre de prêt'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.19 - Situation patrimoniale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.20 - Attestation personne âgée'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.8 - Bilan'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.9 - Carton de signatures'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscription'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.10 - Bénéficiaires effectifs'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.12 - Attestation Emploi de Fonds Propres'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.8 - LAB/LAT'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.4 - Mandat SEPA'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FATCA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.6 - Versement programmé'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.12 - Justificatif(s) identité principal'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.13 - Justificatif(s) identité secondaire')
    insert LstValidator;

    INSEE__c i1 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('FRANCE');
    i1.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'FRA';
    INSEE__c i2 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('BELGIQUE');
    i2.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'BEL';
    insert new INSEE__c[]{i1, i2};

    Account accApporteur = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur', '4');
    accApporteur.ShippingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.BillingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1884';
    accApporteur.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    Account accApporteur2 = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur2', '4');
    accApporteur2.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1390';
    accApporteur2.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accApporteur, accApporteur2};

    Account accAssociePM = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePM(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePM1', accApporteur.Id);
    Account accAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePP(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePP1', accApporteur.Id, '1');
    accAssociePP.Taux_non_resident__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accAssociePM, accAssociePP};

    Id rtIdApporteur =  Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('Contact_Apporteur').getRecordTypeId();
    Contact contactAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genContactPP('ContTUACC1', 'name', accAssociePP.Id);
    Contact contactEditique = new Contact(
        Salutation = '2',
        FirstName = 'toto',
        LastName = 'tutu',
        RecordTypeId = rtIdApporteur,
        AccountId = accApporteur.Id
    insert new Contact[]{contactAssociePP, contactEditique};

    AccountContactRelation acrEditique = [SELECT Id, Roles, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = :accApporteur.Id AND ContactId = :contactEditique.Id LIMIT 1];
    acrEditique.Roles = 'Editique';
    update acrEditique;

    Product2 p = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genProduct(TU_PREFIX+'1');
    insert p;
    Case cDemembrement = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionDemembrement(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS2', 'US', 'Démembrement', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cDemembrement.Type_de_dur_e__c = 'Viager';

    Case cVLP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionVLP(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'VLP', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cVLP.Type_de_VLP__c = Util_Case.TYPEVLP_CREATION;
    Datetime dt =;
    Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(),;
    cVLP.Date_de_debut_de_mandat__c = myDate;
    Case c2Contrepartie = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genDemandeContrepartie(cDemembrement, TU_PREFIX+'Ctpr');

    insert new Case[]{cDemembrement, c2Contrepartie, cVLP};
    Case c = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionPP('GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    insert c;

    List<TypeValidatorPlan__c> typeValidatorPlanLs= [SELECT Id FROM TypeValidatorPlan__c WHERE Plan__r.Name = 'Validation document' AND  Plan__r.RecordValidationPlan__r.RecordId__c = :c.Id];

    Docuware_settings__c setting = (Docuware_settings__c)Util_Test.populatedMock('Docuware_settings__c', null);
    setting.CabinetId__c = CABINETID;
    setting.Url__c = URL;
    insert setting;


static void TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription(){

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
    Map<String,Object> result = LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription.getRecordForBS(c.Id);
    //System.debug('result : ' + result);
    System.assertEquals(3, result.values().size());

static void TEST_saveBS(){

    String url = URL+'FileCabinets/'+ CABINETID + '/Documents';
    String body = '{"Id":12345}';

    Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock mock = new Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock(url,'POST',200,body);

    Map<String, HttpCalloutMock> requestsMap = new Map<String, HttpCalloutMock>{url=>mock};
    Util_Test.MultiRequestMock multiMock = new Util_Test.MultiRequestMock(requestsMap);

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, multiMock);


I have start to write a test class but he doesn't work to enter in the method testInsertFile
public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBop {

    static void setup(){

        Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Schema.RecordTypeInfo recordtype = rtMapByName.get('Commercial');

        Account account4Test = new Account(name = 'TEST ACCOUNT'
                , Country__c = 'US'
                , CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'
                , Type = 'Commercial'
                , RecordTypeId = recordtype.RecordTypeId);

        insert account4Test;
        Product2 product = TestCreate_Product2.Create_Product2();

        GMID_Product__c gmid = new GMID_Product__c();

        gmid.Z_Commercial_Product__c = product.Id;
        gmid.Z_GMID_ext_key__c = 'GMID_EXT_001';
        gmid.Z_GMID_GUOM_to_KGM__c = '0';
        gmid.Z_GMID_Status__c = true;
        gmid.Z_CRI__c = 100;
        insert gmid;

        Term_of_payment__c temOfPayment = new Term_of_payment__c();
        temOfPayment.Z_EN_Description__c = 'TEST';
        temOfPayment.Z_Source_date__c =;
        insert temOfPayment;

        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.AccountId = account4Test.Id;
        opportunity.Z_Product__c = product.Id;
        opportunity.Z_GMID_Product__c = gmid.Id;
        opportunity.StageName= TRGHDL_Opportunity.QUALIFICATION;
        opportunity.Name = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.Z_Service_comments__c = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.CloseDate =;

        opportunity.Z_Incoterms__c = 'CIP';
        opportunity.Z_Incoterms_2__c = 'TEST';
        opportunity.Z_Terms_of_Payment__c = temOfPayment.Id;
        insert opportunity;
    private static void testInsertFile(){

        String fileData = 'Title';
        String fileDateBase64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(FileData));

        Opportunity opportunity = [SELECT AccountId, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Z_Service_comments__c ='TEST1' LIMIT 1];

        ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion];
        insert opportunity;

    private static void getData(){

Best Answer chosen by DiutG

Sorry is not the good class i have paste in the question.
Is this class.

public with sharing class LCCTRL_GenBop {

    public static void insertFile(Id oppId, String base64FileData, Opportunity recordData) {

        try {
            Id[] contentDocIdLs = new Id[]{};
            ContentDocumentLink[] ctLinkLs = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :oppId];
            for(ContentDocumentLink ctLink : ctLinkLs) {
            ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId  IN :contentDocIdLs AND IsLatest = true AND Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP'];
            String fileTitle = 'BOP--'+ (recordData.Name!=null ? recordData.Name : '') + '_V'+(cvLs.size()+1);
            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP',  VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(base64FileData), Title = fileTitle, PathOnClient = fileTitle + '.' + 'pdf');
            insert cv;

            cv = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id = : cv.Id];
            insert new ContentDocumentLink(LinkedEntityId = oppId, ContentDocumentId = cv.ContentDocumentId);

        } catch (AuraHandledException e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());

    public static Map<String,Object> getData(Id oppId) {
        Map<String,Object> dataMap = new Map<String,Object>();

        Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, Name, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Price__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Time__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Quality__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Location__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Reputation__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Relationship__c,
            Account.Name, TOLABEL(Account.Country__c), TOLABEL(Account.Type), Account.Market_cap_Investors__c, Account.Dedicated_to_therapeutic_fields__c, Account.Clinical_or_marketed_product_pipeline__c, Account.Linked_to_other_CDMO__c, Account.Cultural_fit__c, Account.Expertise__c, Account.Capacity__c, Account.Strategic__c, Account.Relationship__c, 
            Nature_of_the_molecule__c, Z_Indication__c, TOLABEL(Stage_of_Development__c), Sales_expected_at_Peak_Sale__c, Estimated_probability_of_Success__c, When__c, Which_technology__c, First_source__c, Dead_line_to_deliver_the_offer__c, Dead_line_to_select_the_CDMO__c
                FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId LIMIT 1];

        dataMap.put('record', opp);

        return dataMap;