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Steve Cox 18Steve Cox 18 

new record custom override - dependent upon record type


I've written a lightning aura component form - based on recordEditForm - to create an account. The reason is so that we can interact with a corporate API to obtain sugested account names from a central system. This form just requests the account name and the minimum required fields to create the record.

It works fine overriding the standard 'New' action for accounts. On clicking 'new' from the account menu, you're presented with the 'select record type' and then it progresses to the component.

However, there are some record types available that should not use this override - and instead go straight to the standard create account modal form.

I'm not sure how to do this? Idea options would be:

1. As above, have the system use the custom form if specific record types are selected (or are the default for that user profile). But use the standard form for other record types.

2. Put the standard action back to default - and create a new custom action to do this - but add this to the account menu (not sure if it's possible to modify that standard menu).
